The ocean of wisdom

By Nada Amine Awar


 To His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama


The ocean of wisdom

How old are you

Visible... invisible

You are always true

A birthday wish

From a tiny fish

Be there for me

Remain to be

Sacred and free

How old are you now

As old as the sky

Tibet is free

The same as THEE



المصدر: The ocean of wisdom is a poem by Nada Amine Awar dedicated To His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
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نشرت فى 12 مايو 2015 بواسطة Nadamine

ند ى أمين الاعور

Nada Amine Awar Mosaitbeh, Donnawi Street, Azar Bldg., 7th Floor Beirut, Lebanon Phone: +961 76715513 Email: [email protected] Name Nada Amine Awar Birth date 4- 1- 1957 Sex Female Marital status Single Nationality Lebanese EDUCATION October, 2018 Udemy, Michael Dale instructor, online course, Laughter Yoga, Completion Certificate. September, 2018 Udemy, Marco »


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