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مسئول الاتصال: Nouran ibrahim
رقم التليفون: 0171315151/0170681314/22720729/22730144
البريد الإلكترونى: [email protected]
الموقع الإلكترونى:
العنوان البريديى: 15 Makram Ebaid St.,Nasr City .,Cairo
نشرها موقع: Nouran Ibrahim

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International company for Business and communications specialist in the installation and maintenance, supply and design of audio and video systems for many industrial applications where we agents are distributed to major international companies. Broadcasting systems and units of the internal appeal of the Interior (Headsets – Microphone- Amplifier).
Jedia: one of the leading Korean companies in manufacturing systems, the general appeal, audio equipment and audio sources.
Toa: one of the leading Japanese companies in the manufacturing systems, the general appeal, audio equipment and audio sources

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