فى دراسة لحصر الانواع المختلفة لاكاروسات  الحلم الدودى على اشجار الفاكهة فى منطقة الرياض بالمملكة العربية السعودية تم تسجيل سبعة انواع لاول مرة فى المملكة على انواع مختلفة من الفاكهة كما تم وصفها ورسمها وعمل مفتاح تصنيفى يمثل اللبنة الاولى فى قاعدة البيانات للحلم الدودى فى المملكة العربية السعودية

New Records of Eriophyoid Mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) from Saudi Arabia

Fahad J. Al-Atawi & Alaa M. Halawa

Department of Plant Protection, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2460, Riyadh 11451, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia E-mail: [email protected].

Key words: Eriophyoid mites, Fruit crops, Fauna of Saudi Arabia, Olive.


Abstract. Seven new records of eriophyoid species (Aceria benghalensis Soliman & Abou-Awad, A. olivi Zaher & Abou-Awad, Caleptrimerus baileyi K., Colomerus oculivitis (Attiah), Oxycenus niloticus Zaher & Abou-Awad, Rhynchaphytoptus ficifoliae Keifer, and Tegolophus hassani (Keifer)), belonging two families, Eriophyidae and Diptilomiopidae, were collected from four species of fruit crops covering four different production localities in Riyadh. An illustrated identification key for these mites is provided in this study. This present work is the first scientific study on Saudi eriophyoid mites.

Key words: Eriophyoid mites, Fruit crops, Fauna of Saudi Arabia, Olive.



Eriophyoid mites have a worldwide distribution and more than 3690 species are known (Amrine et al., 2003). Members of Eriophyidae and Diptilomiopidae families live on trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants (Zaher, 1984).

Mite fauna of Saudi Arabia (SA) has received a very little consideration and the groundwork for essential taxonomic, biological, and ecological studies of agricultural mites is extremely rare (Alatawi, 2010). Despite the economic importance of many different fruit crops grown in SA, such as date palm, olives, and citrus trees, a few numbers of eriophyoid mite species have been reported in SA (Martin, 1972). Moreover, no significant biological, ecological, and taxonomic studies about eriophyoid mites have been presented in SA.

The objectives of this study were to (i) investigate eriophyoid mites associated with some fruit trees in Riyadh and (ii) provide an identification key for new recorded mites species found in this study. The mite identification key presented in this study will serve to pave the way for further taxonomical investigations for the super family Eriophyiodea in the kingdom.


Materials and Methods

The survey was conducted in four localities surrounding Riyadh city ( El-Waseel, Al-Beer, Al-Haiyer, and El-Deriya) and included seven species of fruit trees, namely olives (Olea europea), fig (Ficus carica), grapes (Vitis vinifera), apple (Malus domestica), citrus (Citrus spp.), pomegranate (Punica granatum), and pear (Pyrus communis). At each locality, sampling was carried out irregularly from October 2008 to September 2009 including plant foliages, branches, and buds. Samples were individually bagged in tightly-closed plastic bags and transported the same day to the Acarology Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University for mite extraction.

Mites were extracted from leaves and buds samples by using a fine hair brush under a high quality Olympus stereo-microscope (SZX-10) at magnifications 100-200×. Subsequently, mites were mounted onto micro-slides with Keifer medium, and later dried in a 40ºC-oven for one week.

An Olympus compound microscope (BX-51) with an attached drawing tube was used for examination and initial pencil drawing of mite diagnostic features at magnifications of 400-1200×. The oil lens was used to examine the featherclaws, microtubercles, and male and female genitalia. The line drawings of mites were scanned and imported into Adobe Photoshop and used as templates for final illustrations in Adobe illustrator. The figure measurement lines were fixed at 25 micrometer (µm).

The terminology and morphological characteristics used in the identification key presented in this study were based on the previous keys described by Keifer (1952), Zaher (1984), Amrin (1996), and Hong & Zhang (1996).

All specimens were deposited in the King Saud University Museum of Arthropod (KSMA), College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University.



Seven eriophyoid mite species, namely, Aceria benghalensis Soliman & Abou-Awad, A. olivi Zaher & Abou-Awad, Caleptrimerus baileyi K., Colomerus  oculivitis (Attiah), Oxycenus niloticus Zaher & Abou-Awad, Rhynchaphytoptus ficifoliae Keifer, and Tegolophus hassani (Keifer), belonging to tow families (Eriophyidae and Diptilomiopidae) were collected from leaves, buds, and branches of four fruit crop species (Ficus carica, Olea europea, Malus domestica, and Vitis vinifera) in different localities in Riyadh (Table, 1). All of these seven mites found in this study are new records in SA. Samples collected from the fruit crop species, Citrus spp, Punica granatum, and Pyrus communis, were free from mites.



Eriophyoid mites are one of the most specialized groups of plant feeders and symptoms of their feeding run the gamut from simple rusting to complex gall formation and they can transmit plant viruses posing a great threat on the yield of the crops (Keifer, et al, 1982).

Martin (1972) reported only four eriophyoid species (Aceria oleae Nalepa, Eriophyes granati Can., Aceria sheldoni Ewing, and Phyllocoptruta oleivora Ashm.) on olive, pomegranate, and citrus, respectively, in different regions of SA. Interestingly, in this study, the four mite species reported by Martin (1972) were not recovered from the tree plants representing seven different species investigated in our survey.

The two species (Aceria benghalensis and Rhynchaphytoptus ficifoliae) extracted from fig buds and leaves were previously recorded in Egypt (Zaher, 1984), India ( Mondal and Chakrabarti, 1982) and Iraq ( Al-Malah & Mohammad, 1989). .Aceria benghalensis causes discoloration of scales and partial blasting of buds while Rhynchaphytoptus ficifoliae does not induce obvious symptoms (Mondal and Chokrabatris, 1984; Zaher, 1984, Al-Malah and Mohamad, 1989). Colomerus oculivitis, found on grapevine, was recorded in Egypt and in U.S. (Attiah, 1967 and Zaher, 1984; Amrine and Stasny, 1994). It causes scarlet and brown coloration around edges of leaves spread inwards causing dryness of leaves. Caleptrimerus baileyi was previously recorded in U.S. causing slight browning to the leaf surfaces and the deutogynes hibernate around the buds just back of the terminal bud (Keifer, 1952)

Olive is a strategic crop in SA and about 13 million trees are grown in Tabouk, El-gouf, and Haiyl regions (Personal communication, Plant Production Department, Agriculture College, King Saud University). In this study, three mite species (Aceria olivi, Oxycenus niloticus, and Tegolophus hassani) were extracted from olive plants. Members of these mites usually live on the underside of terminal olive leaves where they insert themselves under stellate hairs, causing these stellate structures to drop off, and making yellow leaf spots and various forms of leaf deformation or defoliation. Oxycenus niloticus is normally found on upper surface of terminal olive leaves and produce some leaf pitting and deformation (Hatzinikolis, 1989; Mahinsani et al., 2004; Shpend Shahini, et al., 2009). These mites were previously recorded in different countries as follows: A. olive recorded in Egypt (Zaher, 1984 & Hatzinikolis, 1989); O. niloticus recorded in Iran and Egypt (Mahinsani et al., 2004& Zaher, 1984) and T. hassani was recorded in Egypt and Albania( (Shpend Shahini, et al., 2009 & Zaher). This study sheds the light on the importance of these mite species and more attention is needed regarding their biology, ecology, and control.

The identification key presented in this study should encourage for more investigations in identifying eriophyoid mites in SA.


Key to adult stages of eriophyoid mites associated with olive, Olea europea; fig, Ficus carica; grapevine, Vitis vinifera and apple, Malus domestica in Riyadh region

1          Rostrum large in comparison to body, abruptly bent down near base; oral stylet long-form; dorsal setae absent or present, if present always pointing forwards ....................................................................... Diptilomiopidae Keifer

            most setal tubercles enlarged (Fig. 1 A) ………….…… Rhynchaphytoptus K. fore tibia as long as or longer than tarsus (Fig. 1 B& C)………………. ……………………………..…………… Rhynchaphytoptus ficifoliae Keifer.

-           Rostrum usually small, not abruptly bent down near bases; oral stylet short; dorsal setae various present or absent ………....….… Eriophyidae Nalepa …….………………………………………………………………………….. 2

2          Ridges on female coverflap typically in 2 uneven ranks; female genetalia in lateral view, usually noticeably projecting from venter, appressed to coxae, separating coxa more than normal ………...… Colomerus Newkirk and Keifer genetal flap with 12 longitudinal markings (Fig. 2) …..... C. oculivitis (Attiah )

-           Ridges on female coverflap occurring in 1 rankes; female genetalia in lateral view, lying more on level with venter, genetalia not appressed to coxae and coxae not usually spread apart ……...………………………………………... 3

3          Body vermiform, annuli subequal dorsoventrally at least on anterior one-half two-thirds of opithosoma ……………..…….. Aceria Keifer ………............. 4

-           Body usually more fusiform …………………………………......................... 5


4          Featherclaw 4 rayed; median line of shield absent (Fig. 3 A, B) ………………………….…………......…….. Aceria olivi Zaher&Abou-Awad

-           Featherclaw more than 5- rayed; median line of shield present (Fig.4 A, B) …….…..................................... Aceria benghalensis  Soliman & Abou- Awad

5          Posterior opithosoma with adorsal depression; scapular setae directed posteriorly (Fig. 5A) …………………...………….…...……. Oxycinus Keifer female genetalia with 16 longitudinal ribs (Fig.5B) …………………………………….... Oxycinus niloticus Zaher& Abou-Awad

-           Posterior opithosoma without rear depression; scapular setae variable….……6

6          Anterior coxae not separated ……………...……………… Tegolophus Keifer anterior and posterior coxae with heavy lines of granules curving around setiferous tubercles (Fig. 6) ………...………..… Tegolophus hassani (Keifer)

-           Anterior coxae separated (Fig.7A) …………..………... Calepitremerus Keifer central dorsal ridge one half abdominal length (Fig.7B) ……………………………………………….... Calepitremerus baileyi Keifer





T he Authors wish to express their deep gratitude to the members of Acarology lab for their help, support, and cooperation Deepest thanks also to Dr. Amgad Saleh for revising the manuscript.


Al-Atawi, F. 2010. Phytophagous and predaceous mites associated with vegetable crops from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In press.

Al- Mallah, N.M. and Mohammad, M. A. 1989. Biological of the fig mite Rhyncaphytoptus ficifoliae Keifer. Arab, Journal of plant protection, 7 (1), 23-29.p.

Amrine, J. W. 1996. Keys to the world genera of the Eriophyoidea (Acari: Prostigmata) of the world. Indira Publishing Hous, West Bloomfield, Michigan, USA. 798pp. Amrine,

Amrine, J. W. and Stasny T.A. 1994. Catalog of the Eriophyoidea (Acarina: Prostigmata) of the world. Indira Publish. House, West Bloomfield, Michigan,  USA: 804 p.

.Amrine, J. W., Jr., Stasny, T. A. H. and Flechtmann, C. H. W. 2003. Revised key to World Genera of Eriophyoidea (Acari: Prostigmata). Indira Publishing House, West Bloomfield, IV+244 pp.

Attiah, H.H. 1967. Two new species of mites on fig from Egypt. Buul. Soc. Ent. Egypt. 51: 1-5p.

Hatzinikolis, E.Z. 1989. Description of Aceria cretica new species from olive trees in Greece (Aceria: Eriophyidae). Entomologia Hellenica 7:31:34.

Hong, X. & Zhang, Z.Q. 1996. The Eriophyoid mites of china and illustrated catalog and identification keys (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea). Memoirs on Entomology International 7:1- 328pp.

Keifer, H. H. 1952. The eriophoid mites of California. California State, Department of Agriculture,Vol. 2 (1): 123pp.



Keifer, H. H., Edward W. B., Tokuwo K., Mercedes D., and William E. S. 1982. An Illustrated Guide to Plant Abnormalities Caused by Eriophyid Mites in North America. USDA Agricultural Research Service, Agriculture Handbook Number 573, 178pp.

Martin, H. 1972. Report to the government of Saudi Arabia on research in plant Prot.38pp.

Mahisani, Abdol Amir,Golmohammadi, Majid,Davoudi, Jalal. 2004. Study of injurious Eriophyid mites(Acari:Eryiophyidae) and susceptibility of different olive Varieties to them Zanjan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center.19p.

Mondal, S. and Chokrabatris S, 1982. Studies one the eriophyid mites (Acari: Eriophyidae) of the India. XI. Descriptions of three new species from west Bengal. Entomology 7. (3): 361- 366p.

S.; Endrsit K.; Adriatik C.; Enrico D, 2009.  Preliminary survey and   population dynamics of some eriophid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) associated with olives in Albania. International Journal of Acarology, V. 35, 419 – 423p.

Zaher, M.A. 1984. Survey and ecological studies on phytophagous, predaceous and

soil mites in Egypt. PL.480 Programme U. S. A. Project NO. EG-ARS-30. Grant NO. FG-EG- 130pp.








Figure legends




Fig. 1. Rhynchaphytoptus ficifoliae Keifer, A side view, B legs, C featherclaw.



Fig. 2. Genital coverflap of Colomerus oculivitis (Attiah).



Fig. 3. Aceria olivi Zaher& Abou- Awad, A dorsal shield, B featherclaw.



Fig. 4. Aceria benghalensis Soliman & Abou-Awad, A dorsal shield, B featherclaw.



Fig. 5.Oxycenus niloticus Zaher&abou-Awad, A dorsal view, B genital coverflap.



Fig. 6. Female genitalia and body anterior of Tegolophus hassani (Keifer).



Fig. 7. Caleptrimerus bailyei Kiefer, A female genitalia and body anterior, B side view.





Fig.1A, side view





Fig.1B, legs





Fig.1C, featherclaw













Fig. 2, genital coverflap















Fig. 3A, dorsal shield







Fig. 3B, featherclaw










Fig. 4A, dorsal shield





Fig.4 B,  Featherclaw





Fig. 5A, dorsal view


Fig.5B, genital coverflap 












Fig.6A, female genitalia and body anterior  







Fig.7A, female genitalia and body anterior 









Fig.7B, side view



Table 1: List of eriophyoid mites associated with various parts of four fruit crops          from different localities, Riyadh, SA.




Mites recorded                             Host plant and part(-s) infested                          Locality

Aceria benghalensis

Ficus carica(Under scales of open buds)                      1, 2, 4

Aceria olivi

Olea europea (Lower surface of leaves)                       2 , 3, 4

Caleptrimerus baileyi

Malus domestica( Upper surface of leaves )                  3

Colomerus oculivitis

Vitis vinifera(Buds and branches)                                   3

Oxycenus niloticus


Olea europea(Upper surface and                                    2

around the midvine of leaves)           

Rhynchaphytoptus ficifoliae

Ficus carica(Lower surface of leaves)                          1, 2, 3, 4

Tegolophus hassani


Olea europea(Upper and lower surface                       1,4                                                     1,4

of leaves)


1- Al-Beer                2- Al-Deriya                   3- Al-Haiyer                 4- El- Waseel 



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