UAPPOL Alphabetic Listing of Policies

    Academic Colleagues Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Adjunct Academic Colleagues Procedure
           Clinical Academic Colleagues Procedure

    Academic Schedule Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Academic Schedule Procedure

    Academic Standing Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Academic Standing Regulations Procedure

    Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Access to Personal Information for Research/Studies Procedure
           Information Access and Protection of Privacy Procedure

    Access to the Future Fund Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Access to the Future Fund Procedure

    Access to Utility Service Corridors Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Request for Access to Utility Service Corridors Procedure

    Administrative Information Systems Security Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Administrative Information System Access and Maintenance Procedure

    Admissions Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Transfer Credit Articulation Procedure
           Undergraduate Admissions Procedure

    Alcohol at University Events Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Alcohol Permit or Permission Application Procedure

    Alumni Association Membership Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Alumni Association Membership Policy (Appendix A) Terms of Reference
           Management of Alumni Branches and Chapters

    Alumni Branches and Chapters Establishment 

    Animal Ethics Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Administration of Animal Research Procedure (Roles and Responsibilities)
           Animal Care and Use Committee Appeal Procedure
           Animal Care and Use Committee Scientific and Pedagogic Merit Review Procedure
           Animal Ethics Review Procedure
           Animal Euthanasia Procedure
           Animal Maintenance: Special Requests for Alternative Animal Housing Procedure

    Animal User Training Policy 

    Awards and Bursaries for Students Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Awards for Undergraduate Students Procedure
           Bursaries for Students Procedure
           Creation of New Awards and Bursaries for Undergraduate Students Procedure
           University Medal Requirements Procedure

    Awards for Faculty Excellence Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Awards for Faculty - H. M. Tory Chairs Application and Selection Procedure
           Awards for Faculty - J.G. Kaplan Award Application and Selection Procedure
           Awards for Faculty - University Cup Application and Selection Procedure
           Awards for Faculty - Vargo Teaching Chairs Application and Selection Procedure
           Centennial Professor Application and Selection Procedure
           Distinguished University Professor Application and Selection Procedure
           McCalla Professorships Application and Selection Procedure

    Awards for Teaching Excellence Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching Procedure
           Graduate Student Teaching Award Procedure
           Provost's Award for Early Achievement of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
           Rutherford Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Procedure
           Teaching Unit Award Procedure
           William Hardy Alexander Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Procedure

    Banking Policy 

    Budget Reallocation Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Budget Reallocation Procedure

    Budget Variance Accountability Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Budget Variance Accountability Procedure

    Canvassing and Solicitation Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Canvassing and Solicitation Procedure

    Capital Expenditure Authorization Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Capital Expenditure Authorization Request Procedure

    Capitalization of Unrestricted Funds to Endowment Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Endowment - Capitalization of Unrestricted Funds Procedure

    Centres and Institutes Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Academic Centres and Institutes Establishment Procedure
           Academic Centres and Institutes Operation Procedure
           Academic Centres and Institutes Termination Procedure
           Affiliated Centres and Institutes (Appendix A) Agreement Requirements
           Affiliated Centres and Institutes Establishment Procedure
           Affiliated Centres and Institutes Operation Procedure
           Affiliated Centres and Institutes Termination Procedure

    Conflict Policy - Conflict of Interest & Commitment, and Institutional Conflict 
        Associated Procedures 
           Conflict of Interest & Conflict of Commitment Reporting & Assessment Procedure
           Managing Conflict of Interest in Employment Procedure

    Contract Review and Signing Authority Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Appointment of Faculty Procedure
           Contract Review Procedure
           Retention of External Legal Counsel Procedure
           Sub-Delegation of Contract Signing Authority Procedure

    Creation of a Legal Entity Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Creation of a Legal Entity Procedure

    Death of a Member of the University Community - University Response Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Death of a Staff Member - University Response Procedure
           Death of a Student - University Response Procedure

    Degrees Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Convocation Procedure
           Degrees Procedure
           Parchment Procedure
           Post humous Degrees Procedure

    Disability Management/Health Recovery Support Policy 

    Distribution of Royalty Revenue Policy 

    Eligibility to Apply for and Hold Research Funding Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Eligibility to Apply for and Hold Research Funding Procedure

    Emeritus Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Clinical Professor Emeritus Procedure
           Librarian Emeritus Procedure
           President, Chancellor, and Board Chair Emeritus Procedure
           Professor Emeritus Procedure

    Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) Policy 

    Employment Relationship Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Appointment of Administrative Professional Officer Procedure
           Appointment of Continuing Librarian Procedure
           Appointment of Contract Staff: Teaching (CAST) Procedure
           Appointment of Faculty Service Officer Procedure
           Appointment of Sessional and Other Temporary Staff Procedure
           Appointment of Support Staff Procedure
           Appointment of Trust/Research Academic Staff Procedure
           Home Internet Allowance for Support Staff Procedure
           Managing Staff Vacation Procedure - Support Staff
           Payment of Professional Accreditation for Support Staff Procedure

    Environmental Policy 

    Equipment and Furnishings Asset Management Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Asset - Equipment Register Procedure
           Asset Disposal Procedure - Direct Sales to Departing Staff
           Asset Disposal Procedure - Gift to Staff Member or Donation to Registered Charit
           Asset Disposal Procedure - Stolen or Lost
           Asset Disposal Procedure - Transfer to Another Institution
           Asset Procedure -Transfer or Sale (Internal) to Another University Unit
           Equipment Asset Disposal Procedure - Surplus
           Equipment Asset Procedure - Acceptance of Equipment Transferred to the Univ
           Furniture Repair Procedure

    Ethical Conduct and Safe Disclosure Policy 

    Facilities and Operations Management Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Building Hours of Operation Procedure
           Control Centre Alarm Monitoring and Response Procedure
           Demolition Procedure
           Lock Changes, Key Request and Key Control Procedure
           Outdoor Event Site Booking Procedure
           Pets on Campus Procedure
           Vending Procedure

    Facilities Floor and Room Numbering Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Facilities Floor and Room Numbering Procedure

    Financial Management and Practices Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Cash Handling Procedure
           Cash Register Float Procedure
           Cash Sales Deposit Procedure
           Cash Sales Procedure
           Cash Sales Receipting Procedure
           Electronic Banking Procedure
           Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Incoming Payment Procedure
           Endowment - Adding to an Existing Endowment Procedure
           External Billing Procedure
           Financial Controls Self-Assessment Procedure
           Financial Controls Self-Assessment Procedure - Instructions (Appendix A)
           Gift Expenditure Procedure
           Hospitality Expenditure Procedure
           Interest Procedure - Restricted Special Purpose and Restricted Research Accounts
           Online General Ledger Journal Entry Procedure
           Petty Cash Procedure
           Special Payments Request Procedure
           Tender Types & Related Procedure
           University Contingency Procedure

    Firearms Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Firearms & Ammunition Acquisition & Disposition Procedure
           Firearms Incident Reporting Procedure
           Firearms Issuance/Approval Procedure
           Firearms Maintenance Procedure

    Flag Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Flags for University Event Procedure
           Lowering of University Banner as a Sign of Mourning Procedure

    Fraud and Irregularity Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Fraud and Irregularity Reporting and Response Procedure

    Health and Safety Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Asbestos Procedure
           Biosafety Procedure
           Health and Safety Policy Appendix A: Chief Environmental and Safety Officer
           Health and Safety Responsibilities Procedure
           Operation of Designated Radiation Equipment Procedure
           Possession of Radioactive Substances Procedure
           Prime Contractor Procedure
           Temporary Suspension of Requirements for Medical Documentation for Student Absen

    Helping Individuals at Risk Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Helping Individuals at Risk Procedure

    Human Research Ethics Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Human Research Ethics Appeals Procedure
           Human Research Ethics Board Structure, Application and Review Procedure
           Human Research Ethics Roles and Responsibilities Procedure

    Indirect Costs of Research Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Application for Indirect Cost Recovery Rates Procedure

    Information Technology Security Policy 

    Information Technology Use and Management Policy 

    Integrated Planning and Budgeting Policy 

    Internal Loan Policy 

    Long Range Development Plan Compliance Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Long Range Development Plan Compliance Procedure

    Maintenance Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Maintenance Request Procedure

    Museums and Collections Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Appraisals of Museum Objects for Charitable Receipting Purposes Procedure
           Art Acquisition and Commissioning Procedure
           Certification of Museum Objects and Collections as Cultural Property Procedure
           Deaccession and Disposition of Museum Objects and Collections Procedure
           Deaccession and Disposition Procedure Criteria (Appendix A)
           Establishing New Collections of Museum Objects Procedure
           Establishing New Collections Procedure Criteria (Appendix B)
           Loans of Museum Objects and Collections Procedure
           Museum Objects and Collections Acquisition Procedure
           Registering Collections of Museum Objects Procedure
           Return of Cultural Property and Repatriation of Museum Objects Procedure

    Naming Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Functional Naming of Physical Entities Procedure
           Functional Renaming of Academic Entities Procedure
           Honorific Naming of Academic Entities Procedure
           Honorific Naming of Physical Entities
           Naming Policy (Appendix A) Naming Guidelines
           Philanthropic Naming of Academic Entities Procedure
           Philanthropic Naming of Physical Entities
           Use of Names for Faculties, Departments and Divisions Procedure

    Off-Campus Activity and Travel Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Off-Campus Activity and Travel Policy (Appendix A) Guidelines
           Risk Assessment for Off-Campus Travel Involving Students Procedure

    Outsourcing Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Outsourcing Procedure

    Over Expenditure Policy - Restricted Funds 
        Associated Procedures 
           Over Expenditure Procedure - Restricted Funds

    Parking and Traffic Management Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Parking - Guest Procedure
           Parking - Special Event Procedure
           Parking Permit - Professor Emeritus Application Procedure
           Parking Permit - Commuting Student Application Procedure
           Parking Permit - Residence Student Application Procedure
           Parking Permit - Staff Application Procedure
           Parking Permit - Contractors & Commercial Vendors Application Procedure
           Tow Away Procedure
           Violation Notice Appeal Procedure

    Patent Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Commercialization of Patentable Intellectual Property Procedure
           Declaring Best Interests of Inventor Procedure

    Planning, Renovation of Existing Facilities Policy 

    Planning, Renovation of Existing Facilities Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Centrally Funded Renovation Procedure
           Non-Centrally Funded Renovation Procedure

    Policy Development Framework 
        Associated Procedures 
           UAPPOL Document Development Procedure
           UAPPOL Document Information Update Procedure
           UAPPOL Document Load Procedure
           UAPPOL Documents Rescission Procedure
           UAPPOL Records Retention Requirements

    Postdoctoral Fellows Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Postdoctoral Fellows Appointment Procedure
           Postdoctoral Fellows Discipline Procedure
           Postdoctoral Fellows Dispute Resolution Procedure

    Preservation of University Facilities and Grounds Policy 

    Prospect Management Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Exectations of Prospect Management
           Prospect Management Procedure

    Real Property Compliance Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Real Property Acquisition Procedure
           Real Property Disposition Procedure

    Real Property Proceeds Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Real Property Proceeds Procedure

    Recruitment Policy 
        Associated Procedures 
           Academic Selection Procedure
           Academic Staff Posting and Advertising Procedure
           Acting and Interim Senior Administration Appointment Procedure
           Appendix A - Definitions and Categories of Academic Staff and Colleagues
           Appendix B - Definition and Categories of Support Staff

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