Nowadays we live at the age of science and technology; it is the age of space, globalization and information revolution.
The agriculture sector is not isolated from what is happening around us in all these fields , on the contrary , it is the most important sector in any society , since it is the sector responsible for providing food for the human beings , and without it all other sectors and all aspects of life will cease and all human civilization will vanish .
From this point comes the importance of what is called:
"The agricultural innovation system "
The agricultural innovation system can be defined as a network of organizations, enterprises, and individuals focusing on bringing together new products, new processes, and new forms of organization into the agriculture sector.
Between the years 1980 to 2011 the world bank spent amounts up to USD 8.5 billion most of this amount was spent on supporting Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) approach. Which include research, education, and agricultural extension and rural advisory services investments and other necessary components of an AIS, but however huge these amounts are , they have not been sufficient to bring knowledge, technologies, and services to farmers and entrepreneurs to innovate as required and necessary in the agriculture sector .

To Begin with, we have to define and analyze the term Agriculture Innovation System, to understand what lies behind this subject:
The most important word in this long term is innovation.
The word innovation is derived from the word invent , and the word invent means to make something new , a new knowledge and research , and this knowledge and research must be distributed and delivered to farmers and people involved in the agriculture sector by a certain system or a body of organizations ,( public and private organizations ) for the benefit and development of the agriculture sector, for the purpose of enabling the agriculture sector to respond to the rising demands in the agricultural needs in an ever growing world .
To enable the agriculture sector to meet the rising global demand on foods and to respond to the changes and demands it faces today, this will require good policy, deep researches , and innovation.
And in addition to all this, also investments, Investments in public Research and Development, and education, but still these investments alone will not push innovation at the pace or on the scale required by the intensifying challenges confronting agriculture today in the modern world.
Experience indicates that aside from a strong capacity in Research and Development, the ability to innovate is often related to the collective action, the coordination, and the exchange of knowledge among all the people involved in the agriculture activity.
And most important factor for the success of the AIS (Agriculture Innovation System) is the incentives and resources available to form partnerships and develop businesses, and the conditions that make it possible for farmers or investors to use these innovations.
While the world awareness is developing about what is meant by 'innovation' and 'innovation system', no detailed plan exists for making agricultural innovation systems happen or succeed at a certain time, or in a certain place, or for a given result.
Most important of all, these AIS investments must be specific to the context and to the stage of development in a particular country and agricultural sector,
The role of a successful AIS system must be able to contribute to identifying, designing, and implementing the investments, approaches, and complementary conditions that are likely to strengthen and promote agricultural innovation and agricultural growth. It emphasizes the lessons learned, benefits and impacts, implementation issues, and prospects for expanding successful practices.
The information in these AIS must be derived from approaches that have been tested at different scales in different contexts. It must reflect the experiences and evolving understanding of numerous individuals and organizations concerned with agricultural innovation, including the governmental and non governmental bodies.
This information must be targeted to the key operational staff in international and regional development agencies and national governments who design and implement lending projects, and also to the practitioners who design thematic programs and technical assistance packages.


المصدر: البنك الدولى دمحمدفاروق الجمل
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نشرت فى 6 أغسطس 2012 بواسطة AgriculturalInformation

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