مؤسسة أبرار مصر لتنمية المجتمع

ومن أهم أنشطتها رعاية المعاقين ذهنيا وتحفيظهم القرآن الكريم واقامة مشروعات تنموية للأرامل والمطلقات

Indicate a lot of research to the importance of the first five years of life because of the current manifestation of the child which sustained growth is infancy and early childhood to be one of the most important stages of growth, I have a child .. Childhood and is characterized by steady growth or rapid physical and sensory aspects and composed of many considerations which built the Child on the surrounding environment as consisting of his personality and Khalaha unclear which personality traits that determine the style and handling of the child with this environment ..


The definition of "early intervention":


   Means early intervention " Early Intervention "Specialists to provide appropriate solutions  To the problems of child health, physical, psychological, social as soon as the early detection of these problems in order to reduce the risk of exacerbating the negative effects of these problems and more negative impacts on children's health and aspects of healthy growth and compatibility with the environment ..


Characteristics of the process of early intervention:


Early intervention process is characterized as:


      (1)      Process of amending the concepts:

Early intervention process is that it must deal with the view of those around the child to his problem and help him deal with it properly .. And faces a specialist in many cases, the case of the two when dealing with those around the child .. May find the same demands in some cases alleviating pressure placed on the guardian of the child and those around him and work to accept the issue of whether the child (and this is when the child is solving the problem once and for all but impossible and the interests of the child with early intervention in mitigating the impact of disability ) .. Or it may find itself required to change the perspective of parents and those around the child to the problem of the Child, which they see as the problem can not be solved (and this is when early intervention feasible with the child so that the long-term solution to the problem of the child in full despite the lack of conviction around this result ignorance of these matters surrounding disability count exposure to past experiences where, or the result of other psychological reasons) ..


      (2)     Compensatory process:


That is, the process of trying to compensate for the loss suffered by the child in the capacity of health or mental health and early intervention by providing it with the necessary assistance that may be needed for the development of the shortcomings he has, develop properly, which allows him to overcome fully these shortcomings, or control the negative effects and reduce it as much as possible as a result of remedial policies to follow as it deems appropriate specialist ..


      (3)      Process differ in form and content from case to case:

Process is different for early intervention in the form and degree of case to case depending on the nature of the child and the degree and extent of assistance needed by the child to overcome this disability ..A process of re-education of parents:

Process is the necessity of early intervention to help the parent or responsible for the child in the identification or application of remedial policies drawn by the specialist to deal with disability to try to control it .. And then become the process of early intervention in the case of more easily respond to the guardian of the child and understanding of this matter .. In the case of understanding of the guardian to this content and tries to help specialist to implement such policies shall guide the professional guardian, trained to deal with the child's disability as appropriate to assist in the implementation of policies chosen by ..

Lack the ability to form concepts, generalization, abstraction:

And find the individual intellectually disabled difficulty in the formation of concepts as memory impairment has made it difficult for him to remember what already suffered so that he formulated in the abstract, "that the concept of" .. It also hindered the generalization of what they have learned in previous positions in similar positions that may be incurred or to see things in the abstract "mindset" isolated from the concrete reality that can deal with limited mental abilities

المصدر: A teacher's guide for planning programs and teaching methods for individuals to mentally handicapped By Ahmad Jaber Ohamdmsiol software project to support NGOs to train and rehabilitate the mentally handicapped in Assiut
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نشرت فى 10 إبريل 2010 بواسطة AbrarMasr

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مؤسسة أبرار مصر لتنمية المجتمع

• مؤسسة أبرار مصر لتنمية المجتمع مؤسسة خيرية مركزية مقيدة برقم 671 بوزارة التضامن الإجتماعي لسنة 2013 • حاصلة على صفة النفع العام بالقرار رقم ( 294 ) لسنة 2008 وتعمل على مستوى الجمهورية ومن أهم أنشطتها رعاية المعاقين ذهنيا وتحفيظهم القرآن الكريم واقامة مشروعات التنمية الاقتصادية للأرامل والمطلقات العنوان »


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