How to install the operating system linux 

RedHat ES V4 Update 4 32 bit x86

It's contain five CDs


  • As the system boots select F1 or DEL or F2 or F12 to access the BIOS settings
  • In the Configuration/Setup Utility select: Start Options <Enter>

Startup Sequence Options <Enter> and set:

First startup device CD Rom
Second startup device Hard Disk 0
Third startup devive Hard Disk 1
Fourth startup device Diskette Drive 0
Wake on LAN enabled Disable

Press <Esc> <Esc> and select ‘Save Settings’

Select ‘Exit Setup’ <return> and select ‘yes, exit the Setup Utility’

  • Insert CD#1 into the drive before the server reboots
  • As the server boots a series of menus will be displayed to the screen allowing you to configure the Linux build. Enter the following information at the appropriate screen:

( Key: Screen Header Actions, keyboard input)

At the prompt boot: <Enter>

CD Found
Tab to skip media testing, <Enter>

Welcome to Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES
Click on <Next>
Language Selection
English (English)
Click on <Next>

Keyboard Configuration
Using select ‘United Kingdom’
Click on <Next>

It will now search for ES Installations

Disk Partitioning Setup
Click on ‘Manual partitioning with Disk Druid’
Click on <Next>

You may get a warning message about initialising the drive and erasing all data
Click on yes

Disk Setup
Delete any existing partition information
Click on each device e.g. select /dev/hda1 to highlight it.
Select <Delete> button above
Confirm delete < Delete>
Do the same for any further partitions that exist e.g. /dev/hda2…. /dev/hdb1…

This should leave 2 hard drives:
/dev/hda free space
/dev/hdb free space

Now define disk partitioning required for Utility1
Select <New>
In the ‘Add partition’ window
Mount point /
File system type ext3
Allowable drives hda (do not select hdb)
Size (MB) 20480
Fixed Size
Select <OK>

Add new partitions in a similar with the following configuration:
Select <New> /boot ext3 hda 250 fixed <ok>
Select <New> /var/common ext3 hda 20480 fixed <ok>
Select <New> swap hda 4096 fixed <ok>
Select <New> /local ext3 hda Fill to maximum size <ok>
Select <Next>

Boot Loader Configuration
Leave boot loader on /dev/hda
Leave default selected ‘Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES’
Do NOT select ‘Use a boot loader password’
Do NOT select ‘Configure advanced boot loader options’

Network Configuration
Un-select ‘eth0 Activate on boot’
Click on <Edit>
Configure etho
Select ‘Activate on boot’ only
Enter IP address and netmask for Utility1 server
Network Configuration (cont)
Hostname: select manually and type in Utility1 server name in the box (Do NOT include domain information)
Add Miscellaneous Settings
Gateway Add IP address of Utility1 server
Leave Primary DNS, Secondary DNS and Tertiary DNS blank
You may get an ‘Error with Data’ window
‘You have not specified the field Primary DNS’ <Continue>
Firewall Configuration
Select No Firewall
Enable SElinux Disable
You may get ‘Warning No Firewall’
Additional Language Support
Under ‘Select additional languages to install on the system’
Select English (Great Britain) and Arabic (Iraq)
De-select English (USA) if checked
Ensure ‘Select the default language for the system’ is set to English(Great Britain)
Timezone Selection
Select either Asia/Baghdad
Select ‘System clock uses UTC’
Set Root password
Enter root password twice

The system will start reading the package information

Package Installation Defaults
Select ‘Customise software packages to be installed’

Package Group Selection
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select ‘Everything’ under the Miscellaneous section

About to Install

Required Installation Media
Displays CDs required

The system will now start installing packages and formatting drives. Insert CDs in the order requested

Once CDs #1 to #5 and finally #1 again have been loaded, the screen should display:
Performing post install configuration.
Congratulations, the installation is complete.
Remove CD#1 from the drive

After the server has completed the reboot cycle complete the build as below:

License Agreement
Select ‘Yes I agree to License Agreement

Date and Time
Ensure the settings are correct
Set resolution to 1024x 768

Red Hat Login
Select “tell me why I need to register and provide a Red Hat login”
Select “I can not complete registration at this time. Remind me later”

System User
A warning box will display < Continue>

Additional CDs

Finish Setup

You should now get the RedHat login screen displayed.
Username : root <Enter> Password: ********

It may be necessary to change the desktop to KDE. Edit /etc/sysconfig/desktop and ensure it looks as follows:

<Cntl> <Alt> <Backspace> to restart the desktop

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نشرت فى 3 مارس 2010 بواسطة Abosalah

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