Philae Island, is an island in the middle of the River Nile, one of the strongest forts along the southern borders of Egypt, and separated into two channels Maackstin the Nile in Aswan, the Temple of Philae was moved from its original location on the island of Philae was collected on the island of Ojileka, in the wake of the High Dam [1].

This is because the name or Philae Philae to the Greek language, which means (beloved) or (pellets) The name of Arab countries is one (Butt) the proportion of the myth once in the story of the Thousand and One Nights The name of the ancient Egyptian, Coptic, or is Bilak Bilak means to reduce or end because it was Last borders of Egypt in the south. And a group of worship dedicated to the worship of the goddess Isis is that the island contained the temples of Hathor and Amenhotep, and other temples.

Contents [hide]
1 elephants through the centuries
2 Temple of Philae
3 temples on the island of Philae
4 Island Ijileka
5 Save the Temple of Isis on Philae Island
6 topics related to
7 sources

[Edit] elephants through the centuries
Temples were built, "elephants" in the origin to the worship of the goddess "Isis"

In all centuries, elephants have gained a special place in worship to the extent that a crowd of followers that worship were meeting to revive the story of death and sent Osiris.

The great temple was built during the third century BC, was followed by the temples of Amenhotep Orsnovis. The Temple of Hathor as it is the impact of last Ptolemaic and completed its construction before the year 116 BC by Iiorgits II. He added Btalmp other inscriptions to Philae, which is one of the masterpieces of the temple. From Egypt, goddess Isis spread to Greece and Rome and in various parts of the empire even when the application of Roman rule in Egypt, rulers attempted to beautify the island was sacred Emperor Augustus Caesar built a temple on the northern edge of the elephants in the ninth century BC. The Tiberius and others have added edifices and inscriptions, also built Claudius and Hadrian and Trajan, and Diocletian new buildings on the island continued until the fourth century AD.

To control the intensity of the worship of Isis on the island of Philae led to the extension of the worship for many centuries in defiance of the decree of Emperor Theodosius I issued in 391 AD and which imposed the Christian religion throughout the empire Romanian. In the year 550 AD under the rule of Justinian and Christianity arrived to the island of Philae and started a new chapter in its history. And be a new Christian community in the island of Philae and the room turned columns to be suitable for the exercise of the new religion. Was carrying stones from some of the effects of the construction of Christian churches on the island. The new village grew around the Temple of Isis [2].

When Islam came, considered a bastion elephants mythically represented in one of the story of the Thousand Nights and acquired the name Butt named after a hero of one of these stories.

[Edit] Temple of Philae
This temple dedicated to the goddess Isis, which was swamped with waters of the Nile was divided and re-assembled in a new location on the island of Ijileka about 500 m from its original site on Philae Island and its buildings include a temple to Hathor, the visitor can see the light and sound at night, which provides a variety of languages [3].

Egypt was a prosperous part of the Romanian parts of the empire, the rich have the right to built new towns in which several of the most famous enterprises in Egypt in Roman times, the so-called haunted Pharaoh any kiosk of Trajan and the impact on the island of Philae was built by Emperor Trajan, the Roman governor [4].

[Edit] temples on the island of Philae
Booth Trajanokim a large number of temples on the island of "elephants" Perhaps the oldest of these temples dating back to the reign of King Thutmose III (1490-1436 BC). In the fourth century BC, the king built the "Nkht LNBF" (378-341 BC). And a huge temple built on the effect of "Ptolemy Veladlv" (third century BC) the great temple, and then followed by many of the kings of the Ptolemaic and Roman governors so crowded island of Philae temples , and the best known is called "Pharaoh's bedroom."

There is also a large number of statues of the kings of ancient Egypt on the island of Philae. [5]

Return the first ruins on the island of Philae to the reign of King Taharqa (Family Twenty-fifth) and the Temple of Isis, one of the largest and most important effects in the group of large and small temples on the island of Philae and this temple is about a quarter of the island and among other effects on the island of Philae limited "Nkhtnbo I" (Thirty-family), and two rows of columns dating back to Roman times, the Temple of Orisnovis Greeks - Roman Temple of Mandolees (from Roman times), and the Temple of Imhotep (from the Ptolemaic period), and the most important temples that surround the small group of large temples the temple of Hathor (the Ptolemaic period) and limited Trajan. [6]

[Edit] Island Ijileka
Has been restructured Ijileka island, which lies a distance of five hundred meters from the island of Philae [7] and transferred to the various temples of the island of Philae in the sunken island of Philae so similar.

[Edit] Save the Temple of Isis on Philae Island
Temple of Isis on the island of Vilpmund complete the construction of the Aswan Dam, the first in 1902 and surrounded by waters of the Nile island of Philae most of the year, so the island with all its stocks of precious archaeological temples and includes booths, columns and gates, Pharaonic, embodying all the Roman styles of architecture - Greece and Pharaonic.

The Nkhtnbo which is one of the last king of Egypt, people have built a temple on the island of Philae in the first half of the fourth century BC, and later came the Ptolemies, who ruled the country for 300 years and embraced the cult of Isis, supplementing private tombs on the island.

This has led the High Dam to change the situation is drastically For considering that the island will be located between the new dam and the old dam, it will become partially submerged, but throughout the year.

In addition, the daily withdrawal of water to drive turbines that generate electricity has meant that there was continuous ripples in nearly 3 meters from the water level which in turn leads to the destruction of stones quickly and then the failure to find a solution to this problem would have this floating island, which has long Klapt the lives of tourists to disappear from the map.

When he was putting the island of Philae as a pressing problem, the response at the Nubia Campaign, a fast Maeks international community's determination to save this area of beauty and historical importance of this issue and then save the elephants were not or not as a patchwork how to save it.

However, after examining the findings of this project and in particular the impact of artesian water on the effects of the project and what it requires great cost, experts also suggested other projects submitted by the Egyptian government and the project aims to transfer the effects to the island of Ijileka.

The process of saving elephants in 1972, when ships began Piles may install the first steel plate, from between about 3000 and in the bottom of the Nile, so as to form a temporary dam to hold water around the island and it took two years to inform the island by two rows of interlocking piles 12 m long, and within this vacuum was Pour a mixture of water and washed sand quarries in the waterfall, 5 kg, were connected to this mixture across the lake through the tubes, were allowed to water leakage, leaving the sand to support the steel against the pressure of the lake, and thus completed life preserver around the island. [6]

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نشرت فى 3 فبراير 2010 بواسطة ALBARBARYTRANSPORT

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