كاميرات مراقبة Surveillance cameras, security, Saudi Arabia, Jubail, Director. Ali Abad


Cctv Camera | Cctv Camera | Bullet Cctv Camera

Great app. UI needs work      

by MrCutler
Overall it's a pretty decent app. It functions properly and the developer is quick to respond. The only issues I have with the app are all related to the user interface. It's partially updated to iOS 7's design language, but not all the way. Some screens are different to navigate and you end up starting over again. One example is selecting a camera brand and type. Did you look for a 'Done' button? It doesn't exist. It could use an update. The functionality is great. The cameras always load and the app performs well. Keep up the good work.

Great and comprehensive IP Cam App      

by SDEVO619
This app works great. Not a single issue with it. The video quality isn't quite as good as some of the other apps I have used, but it is still very good, and having slightly lesser quality video on my mobile device is an acceptable trade-off for a stable app with great features and great camera support. I would really like to see support for LaView cameras though. I have a system that I just installed that this app would w
IP Camera Viewer keeps eye on your home, office, parking area, or anywhere you have an IP camera. View video from multiple cameras simultaneously. More than 1800 different IP camera models are supported including Axis, Canon, Cisco, D-Link, Foscam, Linksys, Mobotix, Panasonic, Pixord, Sony, Toshiba, and Vivotek. Virtually all USB cameras work with IP Camera Viewer. IP Camera Viewer allows you to individually configure video properties such as the resolution and frame rate for each camera. You can also set image properties such as saturation, brightness, and contrast for USB and IP Cameras. Arrange multiple IP cameras in the preview layout you want. What if your camera is mounted upside-down or its preview is tilted a bit? With IP Camera Viewer you can adjust the orientation of your camera preview. You can also ad just the coverage area with support for PTZ (Pan, Tilt, and Zoom) enabled network cameras. IP Camera Viewer lets you digitally zoom on an image, even if your camera doesn't support zoom. IP Camera Viewer is free and ideal for both personal and business purposes.What's new in this version:Version 2.0 adds support for MPEG4 and h.264 viewing, adds support for 52 new IP cameras.شركة التجهيزات الامنية ip camera viewer كاميرات مراقبة امنية
وكاميرات المراقبة بالجبيل 
تقدم لكم احدث كاميرات المراقبة
كاميرات مراقبة ثابتة / كاميرات مراقبة متحركة / كاميرات مراقبة مزودة بزووم / كاميرات مراقبة للرؤية الليلية / كاميرات مراقبة سلكية / كاميرات مراقبة لاسلكية
أهداف أنظمة المراقبة والأمن
- تمكنك كاميرات المراقبة من متابعة أعمالك سواء من موقع العمل أو من أي مكان بما يحقق الانضباط والسيطرة علي العمالة
- تحقق كاميرات المراقبة الأمن وتفادي السرقات أو التلاعب
- تعمل كاميرات المراقبة علي حماية الممتلكات وتأمينها ضد مخاطر التعدي او السرقة
إمكانية التسجيل الحي بالصوت والصورة لفترات طويلة -
إمكانية الاتصال والمتابعة عن طريق شبكة الانترنت من اي مكان بالعالم -
- عرض كاميرات المراقبة على التليفزيون او شاشة الكمبيوتر او اى شاشة اخرى
يشرفنا التواصل معكم بالجبيلنحن شركة سعودية متخصصة في مجال الأمن والسلامة ولدينا حلول متكاملة للانظمة الامنية
تدار الشركة من قبل خبراء لهم تجربة عملية واسعة في النطاق الامني وباشراف مهندسين مهرة وفنيين أكفاء على المشاريع
ونهدف لارضاء العملاء وفق مصداقية وإلتزام بقواعد المهنة وقانون العمل والمحافظة على سمعتها بما يليق باعمالها
متمنين لكم قضاء وقت مفيد في موقعنا
على أمل تواصلكم لخدمتكم ..

بالجبيل - الدمام - الخبر - الإحساء

Welcome to the website of the Sic - Security Instrumint Center
We are a Saudi company specialized in the field of safety and security and we have integrated solutions for Security Systems
The company is managed by experts with practical experience in a wide range of security and under the supervision of skilled engineers and technicians.
We aim to please the customer in accordance with the rules of credibility and commitment to the profession.
We wish you spend useful time in our
Hoping to serve you

In Jubail - In Dammam - In Khobar - In Ihssaa

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