Quality of Fish from Catch to Consumer

Labelling, Monitoring and Traceability


J.B. Luten, J. Oehlenschlager and G. Olafsdottir


In this book, for the first time, scientists from various disciplines and all partners in the fishery chain address the important issues of
quality labelling, monitoring and traceability of fish.

The complexity of the European fishery sector, the attitudes towards quality labelling GMP and the needs for quality information are presented. The progress of implementing traceability (schemes) from catch to consumer is covered. Fishermen give their view on GMP on board of their vessels. New tools for measuring the quality of the catch and the experience with quality grading of the landed fish by QIM are described. Attention is paid to recent developments of E-
commerce of fish via the auctions. The possibilities of combining various instrumental methods for measuring fish quality are

A range of contributions on labelling systems, industrial standards, awards and certification procedures for the quality of fish are included. An overview on consumer research on fish in Europe is presented. In addition papers are covering consumers responses to fresh fish, the evaluation of a promotion campaign for seafood
consumption and consumer's opinions towards farmed fish, health and food safety.


Introduction to and outcome of the concerted Action "Fish Quality  Labelling and Monitoring" (Fair 98 – 4174)

Characteristics of the European Fishery Chain, GMP and needs for quality information.

A study of the attitudes of the European fish sector towards quality monitoring and labeling.

Tracefish: the development of a traceability scheme for the fish industry.

Traceability from catch to consumer in Denmark.

Fish quality labeling and monitoring: Getting it right at the start.

Good manufacturing practice on European fishing vessels.

Weighing and labeling at sea.

Catch Index: Development of a tool for measurement the quality of the catch handling at sea.

Quality mark for frozen at sea fillets of fish.

Introducing GMP at sea. Does it pay?

Quality grading and e-commerce in European fish auctions.

PEFA: Selling fish on the Internet across Europe-Bridge between suppliers and remote demand for fresh fish.

Introduction to and outcome of the project "Multi-sensor techniques for monitoring the quality of fish".

Instrumental methods for measuring texture of fish.

Visible spectroscopy – Evaluation of storage time of ice stored cod and frozen stored hake.

Image analysis for monitoring the quality of fish.

Measurements of quality of cod by electronic noses.

Measurements of freshness quality of fish based on electrical properties.

Colour measurement on skin during storage of wet and frozen fish.

Developments of QIM – past and future.

Data Fusion in Mustec: Towards the definition of an Artificial Quality Index.

X-Ray techniques for quality assessment.

Structuring knowledge about fish quality.

The view from some European multiple retailers and brand owners on quality and traceability of fish.

Fish quality labeling systems in Southern Europe.

The voluntary Norwegian industry standards for fish. Are they used to assure quality?

Fish quality awards and labels in Germany and Great Britain.

Label rouge certification procedures for products in France.

Consumer research on fish in Europe.

Consumers and experts responses to fresh cod fillets.

Demand for documentation of freshness of loose fresh fish.

Promoting seafood consumption: an evaluation of the Danish campaign for fresh fish.

Looking behind the label: ensuring food label claims that are credible to consumers.

The concerned fish consumer: the implications for quality labeling.

Consumer opinions towards farmed fish, accounting for relevance and  individual knowledge.

The influence of collective trademarks in consumers buying decision process.

■ Labelling, price and packaging as value indicators in aquaculture: an empirical application for fresh mussels.

■ Labelling and product differentiation in the French national market for oysters and mussels.

  ***for more please visit the library***

 Prep. / Ayman Ashry

Manage. / Mona Mahmoud


المصدر: Wageningen Academic Publishers - Netherlands
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