Kuwait Metro and Rail Conference & Exhibition

19 – 20 April , 2011,  State of Kuwait

Towards    the  Importance of  Railways  for Development of Regional  Communities.  (  Japan,   JR Model  )

Dr.Eng.  Ali   Mahran Hesham

Prof.  of   Environment  and  Urban  Planning

--------------------------------- ABSTRACT ---------------------------

Rail transport is a means of conveyance of passengers and goods by way of wheeled vehicles running on rail tracks.

Trains and railways affect our lives in a variety of ways we may not always realize. Passengers traveling across country and regional communities get their safely and quickly destination with the use of trains and railway systems.

In many countries around the world, the train is a necessary form of transportation as the communities are very far apart and though there are rough  roads , not many people have cars. In many developing   countries for example, thousands of people climb in - and on - every square foot of space on each train in order to hitch a free ride home or to work. That definitely wouldn't be allowed on any train on the railways.

Most of the commodities that manufacturers need to create the products we buy are transported around the country in and on rail cars. Such items as steel, coal, machines and other goods and materials are regularly transported to and from these factories and the resulting manufactured items end up in stores and other sales facilities for us to buy.

 However, the population of Japan exceeds 127 millions with area  about  378000  km2 ,  four  big  islands  ( Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku)  and  47 governorates.

Central Japan Railway (JR Central) is primarily engaged in the provision of passenger rail road services in Japan. The company's  core  operations comprises of transportation, merchandise, real estate and other businesses.  JR Central is headquartered in Nagoya, Aichi and employs 16,595 people. The company recorded revenues of JPY1,486,632 million ($16,025.9 million) during the financial year ended March 2010  The net  profit was JPY91,764 million ($989.2 million) in FY2010.

East Japan Railway Company  ( Higashi-Nihon Ryokaku Tetsudō Kabushiki-gaisha ) is the largest passenger railway company in the world and one of the seven Japan Railways Group companies. The company name is officially abbreviated as JR  East  ( JR Higashi-Nihon ) . The company's  headquarter  is in Yoyogi.

This Paper aims to focus on the huge role of railways systems for development  ( e.g.  time, cost, safety, recreation, economy, … )  . Additionally, it   shows  how the Japanese railways helps the decision maker of Japan to  stand on the top level of developed and rich  countries.




Key Words : Transportation, Destination,  Islands , JR Higashi-Nihon, Decision Maker .

المصدر: Kuwait Metro and Rail Conference & Exhibition 19April , 2011, State of Kuwait
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نشرت فى 5 إبريل 2011 بواسطة drmahran2020

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......بسم الله..... لمحة موجزة (C.V) 2021 البروفيسور الدكتور المهندس الشريف علي مهران هشام . Prof. Dr. Eng. Ali Mahran Hesham ## الدكتوراه من جامعة هوكايدو.. اليابان ** حاصل علي الدكتوراه الفخرية... ألمانيا. 2012 ** حاصل علي الدكتوراه الفخرية - جامعة خاتم المرسلين العالمية - ، بريطانيا، فبراير 2021 ** »


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