Means of settlement draft    وسائل الدفع
1. Foreign bankers draft  ( F.B.D )  شيك مصرفى خارجى
2. Documentary Bill of exchange  ( D.B.E )  كمبيالة مستنديه
3. Documentary credit  ( D/C )  الاعتماد المستندى
• Revocable  قابل للإلغاء
• Irrevocable  غير قابل للإلغاء
• Confirmed  معزز
• Unconfirmed  غير معزز
كلمات هامة للحفظ
D/C Documentary credit اعتماد مستندى
D.B.E Documentary bill of exchange كمبيالة مستندية
F.B.D Foreign banker's draft شيك مصرفى خارجى
m/s Months after sight شهور من الاطلاع
d/s  days after sight أيام من الإطلاع
p.p Per procuration بالنيابة عن
drawer الساحب Current account  حساب جارى
Drawee المسحوب علية Foreign exchange department head رئيس قسم الكمبيو
Payee المستفيد Manager المدير
importer المستورد exporter المصدر
Exporter's  bank  بنك المصدر  Importer 's  bank بنك المستورد
Stamp دمغة acceptance القبول
Term = tenor مدة الاستحقاق Due date = date of maturity مدة الاستحقاق
At sight عند الاطلاع Value under collection القيمة برسم التحصيل
Endorsements  التظهير Re- Endorsements اعادة التظهير
Thousand ألف Hundred  مائة
The Foreign Bankers Draft          شيك مصرفي خارجي
$$  المبلغ                           Date ………..                    
              To ( drawee ) بنك المصدر( المسحوب علية )                    
Pay To \ …………( payee) …………..اسم المصدر
The Sum Of \ ………………..المبلغ بالحروف
Under Documentary Credit No\ ……. اعتماد مستندي ……
 No ……………                P. P ( drawer )   بنك المستورد  الساحب 
                Foreign Exchange dept. Head          Manger

The importer: Sherouk Mostafa Co, 44 El-Nil st., Guiza.
The Drawer : Bank Misr , Tahrir Street, Cairo.
The Drawee: Bank of America, Park Street, New York.
The Payee ( Exporter ) : Messrs. Hilman Co, New York.
   Sum ( Amount ) $ 5200            Stamp: $10 .
Documentary credit No , 2020 N/A
Foreign Exchange department head : Mr, A. Wagdy
Bank Misr , Tahrir Street Manger  : Mr. Abdel Khalik
Foreign banker's Draft No T/555 date 3rd ., May,2009 .
The Foreign Bankers Draft      شيك مصرفي خارجي
$$ 5200                                 3rd,May,2009                     
To Bank of America,
Park St, New York.
Pay To \ Messrs. Hilman Co, New York
The Sum Of \ Five Thousand, two hundred dollars only
Under Documentary Credit No\ 2020 N/A
 No T/555                P. P Bank Misr , Tahrir Street, Cairo
                    Mr. Abdel Khalik                Mr, A. Wagdy
                     Manger                     Foreign Exchange
H.W No. 1
The importer: Sayed Hassan, 6 Octob City, Guiza.
The Drawer : Bank Misr , Tahrir Street, Cairo.
The Drawee: Bank of America, Park Street, New York.
The Payee ( Exporter ) : The Modern TradingCo, New York.
   Sum ( Amount ) $ 5600            Stamp: $20 .
D/C No , 123 S/B
Foreign Exchange department head : Mohamed
Manger Ahmed
Foreign banker's Draft No BV/325 date 4th ., Jan,2009 .

Documentary Bill Of Exchange كمبيالة مستنديه
$$  المبلغ                                   Date تاريخ التحرير
 (تاريخ الاستحقاق )  days after sight of this of exchange
 (( second and third of the same tenor and date unpaid )) 
Pay To The Order Of  \ ===Ourselves  (Payee)  ===
The Sum Of \ ======المبلغ بالحروف =====
Value Received
To\ drawee المسحوب عليه ( المستورد )                accepted
                                  المستورد   drawee                                                  
No ===                                  تاريخ القبول
الساحب ( المصدر )    Drawer     P.P


Importer: Telemaser Electronic Co, 25 Soliman st., cairo.
Exporter : British Electric Co., 30 Basing Hall,London.
Exporter's Bank : England Bank, London.
Importer's Bank : National Bank of Egypt, Cairo
Amount : $5000                         Term : 60d/s – D/c.No.50
Date of writing: 1st,June,2009   
Date of Acceptance: 20th, June,2009
Date of Endorsements: 3rd, June,2009
Re- Endorsements: 5th, June,2009 
Preparing  Documentary Bill of Exchange No. 515

Documentary Bill Of Exchange كمبيالة مستنديه
$$ 5000                                     1st,June,2009
of this of exchange(( second and third of the same tenor and date unpaid )) 
Pay To The Order Of  \ Ourselves
The Sum Of \ Five Thousand dollar
Value Received
To\ Telemasr Electronic Co, 25 Soliman st., Cairo      accepted
P.P British Electric Co.,                      P.P Telemasr Electronic Co
           30 Basing Hall,London                      20th, June,2009           
No 515
   Endorsement التظهير   
Pay To: England Bank, London.
Value for Collection
P.P British Electric Co
     3rd, June,2009
Re-endorsementأعادة التظهير 
Pay To: National Bank of Egypt, Cairo
            Value for Collection
               P.P England Bank, London
 Paid value  عند استلام القيمة
 Value received in cash
 p. p National Bank of Egypt, Cairo
H.W No. 2
Exporter:  England Exporting Co. 50 Basing Hall, London.   
The Exporter bank : England Bank London
Importer : Tanta Electronic Co, 7Kasaby St., Tanta.
The importer bank : National Bank of Egypt, Tanta
Amount : $75000           Term : 60d/s  stamp $20
Date of drawn: Nov., 15,2009   
Date of Acceptance: Nov., 18,2009   
Date of Endorsements: Nov., 20,2009   
Re- Endorsements: Nov., 30,2009   
Required : The third Documentary Bill Of Exchange and make the necessary endorsement

المصدر: منهج المدرسة

ساحة النقاش

عدد زيارات الموقع
