عدد 468 مقال تحت قسم الكتب المتخصصة
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الترتيب حسب
Principles of Warmwater Aquaculture
Calculations for Fishing Gear Designs
This Book is a Complete Revision of My1981 an Atlas of Distribution of the Freshwater Fish Families of the World. It was written without Reference to the First
Biology and Management of the World Tarpon and Bonefish Fisheries
Chapter 19: Tagging of Bonefish in South Florida to Study Population Movements and Stock Dynamics
636.22/H.F Temperature – Light – Currents, Waves and Tides
A – Principles of Aquaculture B – Rearing Facilities C – The Origins of Cage Culture A – Diversity of cage types B –
636.22/H.F Temperature – Light – Currents, Waves and Tides Chemistry of Sea Water – Bathymetry and Submarine Geology Relations between
The Structure and function of Fresh-water Microbial Communities
1: A daptations for Photoregenerative Cycling 2: Carbon Flow in the Aquatic System 3: Aquatic Laboratory Microsystems Communities 4: The Role of Laboratory Experimentation in Ecological Research 5:
799.1/A.F Heads or Tails-The Money Still Paid For Fish The
Rehabilitation of Fresh Water Fisheries
يمتد البحر الأحمر طولاً بين السويس وباب المندب نحو ألفى كيلو متر ويمتد نحو ألف كيلو متر من السويس إلى حدود مصر الجنوبية ويتميز بكثرة شواطئه المرجانية. الجو
مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية
تسجيل الدخول
عدد زيارات الموقع