موقع الباحث محمد النبوي محمد السيسي

خاص بالباحثين وطلاب الدراسات العليا في المناهج وطرق التدريس


This activity contains 11 questions.



Direct instruction is most appropriate when

cooperative learning is not an option.
the teacher needs to arouse or heighten student interest.
attempting to achieve content mastery and overlearning of fundamental facts.
both b and c.


Mr. Anderson is very careful in his classroom about using his class time efficiently and having active student practice. To do this, Mr. Anderson uses an instructional sequence of review, presenting new content, practice, feedback, and reteaching. He is attempting to achieve the goals of

mastery learning.
indirect instruction.
cooperative learning.


The first step in the direct instruction model is

presenting and structuring new content.
daily review and checking.
guided student practice.
independent practice.


When Mr. Johnson reviews his students at the beginning of class, he checks how many of his high performers, average performers, and low performers miss questions. If the high performers miss a large number, he knows he needs to do some extensive reteaching. If the average performers miss a large number, but the high performers don't, he knows he needs some reteaching. If only the low performers miss a large number, he knows he needs individualized material for them. This is an example of
indirect teaching.
cooperative learning.
a steering group.


In direct teaching, divide and conquer means to

divide the class into small groups.
focus on one idea at a time.
teach half of the lesson one day and half the next day.
both a and b.


By introducing a lesson topic in the its most general form and then dividing it into easy-to-distinguish subdivisions, the teacher is using

part-whole relationships.
sequential relationships.
combinations of relationships.
comparative relationships.


Teaching content according to the way in which facts and rules to be learned occur in the real world is called

part-whole relationships.
sequential relationships.
combinations of relationships.
comparative relationships.


When attempting to elicit responses from students, Mr. Henry remembers that the most appropriate way to be successful is to

elicit the response in a nonevaluative atmosphere as possible.
ask the students that are most likely to answer correctly.
check for student understanding by prompting wrong answers to right ones.
both a and c.



is a direct teaching activity.
is seldom used by effective teachers.
allows students to imitate from demonstration or infer from observation the behavior to be learned.
both a and c.


Demonstrations are more likely to be remembered when they

are linked to previous skills they have learned.
include concise labels or vivid images that help them to remember.
are short and to the point.
both a and b.


Which of the following are the most common strategies for dealing with incorrect student responses? (Check all that apply.)

Ask students to repeat the correct response after you model it.
Review key facts or rules required to achieve the solution.
Ask students to recite by memory the steps required to solve a problem.
Offer prompts or hints representing a partially correct answer.
Use another problem and guide the student to the correct answer


When learning a concept, both examples and nonexamples are important in helping to learn essential and nonessential attributes of the concept.



The direct instruction model is a teacher-centered strategy in which the teacher is the major information provider.



Research indicates that cooperative learning functions and behaviors are among those that correlate highest with student achievement measured by standardized tests.



A direct instruction format is usually not the best to use when the content being taught represents task-relevant prior knowledge for subsequent learning.



Direct instruction is most appropriate when presenting complex skills and problem solving.



For direct instruction, a primary ingredient is presenting the material in small steps.



When using direct instruction the rule is presented first, followed by examples.


المصدر: الباحث

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نشرت فى 19 نوفمبر 2010 بواسطة mohammedelsisi

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محمدالنبوي محمد السيسي

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