3- List of Publications


1-Eid A.E. (1977). "Study on chicken hybrids for meat production". M.Sc. Thesis. Zagazig. Univ.


2 -Yamany, K.A.O. Nowar, M.S. Marai, I.F. and Eid, A.M.S. (1977). Some purebred crossbred, and  backcross, feed conversional and improved diet of winter And spring hatches for broiler production  in Egypt. Symposium in international  Cong. of Animal production in Zagazig Governorate, Egypt.


3 -Yamni, K.A, Nowar, M.S. Marai, I.F. and Eid, A.M.S. (1977). "Studies on body measurements  and    dressing weight of broiler chicks". Symposium in  International cong. of Animal production in  Zagazig Governorate, Egypt. 


4 -Eid, A.E. (1987). "The assessment of Protein quality for carp (Cyprinus carpio) Diets." Ph.D. Thesis   Univ. of Aston in B'ham. U.K.


5 -Eid, A.E. and Matty, A.J. (1989). "A simple in Vitro Method for measuring  Protein Digestibility."  Aquaculture, 79: 111- 119. 


       6 -Eid. A.E. and Matty, A.J. (1989). "Ammonia execration rate as index for Protein quality evaluation for crap diets". J. of Aquatic products Istanbul. 3 (102): 37-44. 


       7- Eid, A.E. (1990). Effect of dietary protein and energy levels on growth performance of rainbow   trout (Salmo gairdneri). Egypt, J. App. Sci. 5(2): 92-99.


       8-Eid, A.E. (1990). Effect of Starvation on body and plasma amino acids of rainbow trout (Salmo gairderi). Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. 5(2): 100-106.


9-Eid, A.E. and Matty, A.J. (1989). Plasma amino acid changes in carp (Cyprinus carpio) after force-  Feeding diets containing different levels of protein. Third Egyptian-British Conference on Animal,   Fish and Poultry Production 7-10. October, 1989. Alexandria, Egypt.


       10-Eid, A.E. and Badran, A.F. (1989). Effect of protein source on growth  performance and  susceptiblity of (Oreochromis niloticus) to Disease. Egypt, J.Appl. Sci. 4(4): 259-265.


11- Eid.A.E. and Ibrahim.B.I.(1989). An analytical study on changes of fish  production in north cost  sea. The second conference of developing and economy in Egypt and Arab countries.P 175-19 


12. Hermis, H. Eid, A. Swidan, F.Z, Gohnime, S. and Moustafa B.A. (1990). "Studies on replacing imported protein concentrate by local protein sources in carp diets.   Istanbul Univ. J. of Aquatic  products. 4(1): 21-28


13- Eid. A.E. (1990). Effect of dietary protein and energy levels on growth performance of rainbow  trout (Salmo girdneri). Egypt. J. Appl.Sci.5(2): 92-99.


14. Eid.A.E. and Matty. A.J. (1990). Effect of different protein and energy supplies on Mineral and  amino acids content of rainbow trout (Oncorhchus mkiss). Egypt. J.   Appl. Sci. 5(9): 95-106.


15. Ahmad, M.T. and Eid A.E. (1991). Accumulation of diflubenzuron in Bolti fish  (Oreochromis  niloticus). Die Nahrung-Food (1-2).


16- Eid.A.E. and El-Danasoury.A.M. (1991). Effect of temperature, carbohydrate and  Lipid on growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Zagazig Vet.J. 19(4):882-892   


17- Eid, A.E. and Matty, A.J. (1991). Effect of Protein and Energy Supplies on  Mineral and Amino  Acid content of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri ). Egypt. J.   Appl. Sci. 6(9): 95-106.


       18-Eid, A.E. and El-Danasoury, M.A. (1991). Partial and complete replacement  of fish meal by  poultry by-products and vegetable protein sources in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) diets.

       Egypt, J. App. Sci. 85-94.


19 -Badran, A.F. and Eid, A.E. (1991). Effect of protein source on disease Resistance factors and growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Vet. Med. J. Giza. 1: 1-11.                                 



20-Eid, A.E. (1991). Sheep manure and poultry waste as feed materials for Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis  niloticus). Zagazig J. Agri.c Res. 18(5): 1503-1510. 


       21-Eid, A.E., Khouraiba, H.M and Osman, M.M. (1991). "Effects of protein  source and  temperature on food consumption and growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).

     Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. 6(8): 579-587.


       22-Danasoury, M.A. and Eid, A.E. (1992). Toxicity of Nitrite in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis  niloticus).  Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. 7(3): 169-180.


23-Eid. A.E. (1992). Effect of protein levels on growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis  niloticus). Bull of Suez Canal Univ. Appl. Sci. 1: 594-605.



 24  -Eid.A.E. (1993). Influence of diet and feeding rate on the performance and production cost of  Nile tilapia. Bull of Suez Canal Univ. Appl. Sci. 2: 33-45                                                                   


  25 -Osman, M.M.; Kouraiba, H.M. and Eid, A.E. (1993). Protein sparing effect of lipids in the diets of  Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.  8(1): 460-472


       26-Eid, A.E. and Ghonim, S.I. (1994). Dietary Zinc requirement of fingerling (Oreochromis niloticus) Aquaculture, 119: 259-264.                       


       27-Eid. A.E. (1994). Total sulfur amino acid requirement of fingerling Nile tilapia (Oreochromis  niloticus). Bull of Suez Canal Univ. Appl. Sci. 3: 12-23.  


       28-Eid, A.E. (1994). Dietary selenium requirement of fingerling Nile tilapia  (Oreochromis niloticus). Bull of Suez Canal Univ. Appl. Sci. 3: 237-247.                                                             


       29-Abdelghany, A.E. Eid, A.E. Hermis, I.H., and Ibrahim, H.I. (1995).  Digestibility of feed and  growth response on Grey mullet (Mugill cephalus L.)  fed  natural. Food and/or formulated diet in

      fresh water ponds. J. Agric. Res.73(3): 841-860.


       30-Eid, A.E. (1995). Studies on the Manganese requirement of Fingerling Nile tipalia. Proc. 5th  Sci. Conf. Animal Nutrition 1:385-390.


       31-Eid, A.E., Ghoneim, S.I., Mokhtar, S. and Haggag H.M. (1995). Effect of  stocking density on   growth performance of grey mullet (Mugill cephalus). Bull of Suez Canal Univ. Appl. Sci. 4: 9-20.


       32-Eid, A.E. and Maguz, F. (1995). Growthh performance of Fingerling Nile  tipalia Fed practical  diets supplemented with fish oil. J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ.  21(1): 45-50. 


       33-Eid, A.E. (1995). Evaluation of fish oil, corn oil, palm oil, olive oil and beef tallow singly and  in combination as supplemental dietary lipid source for fingerling Nile tilapia (Oreochromis  niloticus) Zagazig  J. Agric. Res.22(4):1015-1022.


34-Eid, A.E. (1995). Effects of dietary carbohydrate source and level on growth performance of  fingerling Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). J. of  Productivity and Development 3(1):32-43  


35. Eid. A.E. and Magouz. (1995). Effect of Stocking density and feeding  rate on growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).  J.Agric. Res. Tanata Univ.21 (2): 229-236.


36. Eid. A.M., Danasoury, M.A., Swidan.F.Z. Elsayed.K.M. (1995).Evaluation of twelve practical diets       for fingerling Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Pro. 5th Sci. Conf.Animal Nutrition. 1  345-


37. Eid, A.E. and Elgamal, A.A. (1995). Effects of stocking density on  growth performance of Nile  tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Reared in three different culture systems. Egypt.J.Anim.Prod.Suppl.

      Issue.11-13 Nov. 485-498.


38. Abd El Hamid Eid and Fawzy Ibrahim Magouz (1995).   Influence of diet and  feeding rate on the  performance and   Production cost of Nile Tilapia J. Agric. Res.  Tanta Univ.,   26 (4).229-236

39- Khouriba,.H.M, Gohneim, S.I, Eid. A and El-Farsy, I.I.(1996).  Cultivation of sea  bass  (Dicentrarchus labraxs) : Effect of stocking   Density and dietary protein levels on growth rate and

       feed utilization. Egypt. J.Appl.Sci. 11(12): 308-326.


40- Eid, A. M. S. (2002).Histidine and valine requirements of fingerlings Nile tilapia  (O. niloticus). Minia J.Agric.Res. Development 22(2)209-216.


41- A.M.S. Eid, Khouraiba H, M., Sadek, S.M. Bakeer,  M.N. and  Hegazy,  A.Z.I. (2003). Growth  performance of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella) cultured in earthen ponds as affected by

      receiving varying feeding inputs. Egypt. J. Agric.  Res., NRC, 1(2):419-442.


42. Eid, A.M.S; Said, M and Salama, A.(2003). Effect of protein levels on growth performance and  economical evaluation of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus). Egypt. J. Aquatic. Biol. And Fish. 7(3): 309-318.


43- Eid. A.M.S 2003. Dietary selenium requirement of fingerlings Nile tilapia (O.niloticus). Egyptian. J.

      Nutrition and Feeds. 6: 409-415.


44- Abd Elhamid Eid. 2003. Strategy Fish Culture in the third century. Symposium in  the  International  conference on Fish resources and food secure in the Arab and Islamic world. Which held in Faculty  of Agriculture- Al- Azhar University in   14-15/10/2003.


45- Eid. A.M.S; Elmarakby, I.H and Abdelfattah, B.2004. The effect of  Dietary   soybean meal and phytase levels on growth performance and body  composition of fingerlings Nile tilapia (O.  niloticus). Agriculture Research  Journal, Suez Canal University.4 (2)17-22.


46- Eid A.M.S.2005. Protein requirements of fingerlings grey mullet (M.cephalus). Egypt .J. Nutrition and Feeds.8 (1):995-1003.


47. Eid, A.M.S. and Mohamed, K. 2006. Partial or total replacement of fish meal by plant protein  sources in the diet of Seabass Fingerlings (D.labraxs). J.Egypt.Aqua.So 1:118-127.


48. Eid, A.M.S. and Mohamed, K. 2006. Effect of protein and energy ratio on growth performance and body composition of red tilapia  reared in fresh water. J.Egypt.Aqua.Soc.1:99-117.


49- Abd Elhamid Eid.2006. Effect of stocking density on growth  performance and production of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus). Symposium in the First Scientific Conference on Modern  Attitudes In aquaculture. Sharm Elshiekh 13-15 December.


50- Mohammed. K. A., Eid. Abd ElHamid and Abdel Fattah 2006. Effect of replacement fish Meal by shrimp meal on growth performance of mono sex Red Tilapia fingerlings. Agric Reacerarch Jouronal ; Suez Canal University.

51- Abd Elhamid Eid and Khaled Mohamed 2007. Effect of dietary lipid levels on growth performance of Sea bass (Dicentrarcus labrax) fingerlings.  Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish., Vol 11 No. 3:667-676.

52- Abd Elhamid Eid; B. Abdel Fattah and Mohamed, K.A. (2007). Evaluation of Using Some Feed Additives on Growth Performance of Monosex Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fingerlings.

       Agricultural Research Journal, Suez Canal University, Volume 7 (3): 49-54.

53. Hammouda, Y.A., Ibrahim, M.R., Zaki ElDin. M.A, Eid, A. M., Magagouse. F.I and Tahoun, A.M.2008. Effect of Dietary protein levels and sources on reproductivity performance and seed quality of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) broodstock. Abbasa. Int.J.Aqua. 1A:55-78.

54. Ibrahim, M.R.Hammouda, Y.A., , Zaki ElDin. M.A, Eid, A. M., Magagouse. F.I and Tahoun, A.M.(2008). Effect of Dietary protein levels and sources on reproductivity performance and feed  Utilization of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) broodstock. Abbasa. Int.J.Aqua. 1A:251-274.

55. A.Eid, Badiaa.A and K.A. ELSayed.(2009). Effect of Fish meal substitution by plant protein sources on growth performance and body composition of gilthed Sea bream (S. aurata) fingerlings.Egypt.J. Nutrition and feeds.839-852.

56. Badr, I; A,Eid, M.Garib and A.Eshaer (2009) Economical Study for Fish cultures in Ismailia governorat. Egypt.J. Nutrition and feeds.985-998.





































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