عدد 81 مقال تحت قسم نشرات الفاو
تصفح جميع المقالات
الإجتماع التشاورى فى إقليم الشرق الأدنى وشمال إفريقيا حول ضمان إستدامة المصايد الصغيرة الجمع بين الصيدالرشيد والتنمية الإجتماعية مسفط سلط
تقرير الدورة السابعة للهيئة الإقليمية لمصايد الأسماك
Fisheries and aquaculture emergency response guidance.
Fish identification tools for biodiversity and fisheries assessments
FAO Fisheries and Agriculture Technical paper 547
Report of the Ad-Hoc on the Field Training Course on Otolith/Spines Sectioning and Age Reading
Report of the FAO/RNE – INFOSAMAK Regional Seminar
Report of the Technical Meeting on the Lessepsian Migration and its Impact on Eastern Mediterranean Fishery
Developing Fish Landing Centres: Experiences and Lessons from Sri Lanka
Studies and Review No. 92
Guide for the use of Indicators to Monitor Sustainable Development of Aquaculture
Fishing Vessel Execution of Acoustic Surveys for Deep-Sea
Children’s work in the livestock Sector: Herding and beyond
EAF Toolbox - The ecosystem approach to fisheries
Review of tropical reservoirs and their fisheries